It's actually quite simple.

Behave is designed to be extremely simple and easy to use, while being an effective tool to shape your child's behavior.


Let's face it. Children are using devices. Period. As parents we need to embrace it and start using those devices to our advantage.


We've taken years of child psychology studies and crafted an app to help motivate your children to exhibit good behavior.


How? By motivating them to use good behavior and holding them accountable when their behavior is bad.


Take a look at the image on the right. That's where you'll spend most your time, where you can see stats for each of your kids.


It's this simple. When your child is misbehaving, tap on the red sad face and let us know what their misbehavior was.

You're in complete control.

As the parent you control whether your child earns good behavior points or has points taken away for bad behavior.


What are behavior points you ask? Behavior points are what your kids earn to spend on NON MONETARY things like (1 on 1 time with mom or dad,  staying up past their bedtime, extra internet time, extra video game time, a chore free day) you get the gist.


You asked... we listened. In the latest update to Behave we have added the ability to fully customize the Bad Behaviors, Good Behaviors and Rewards. That's right... you now have complete control to fit the needs of your family. We can't wait to hear from you and how Behave is working in your home.


The first step is holding Alexander accountable. Since he didn't do his homework we will let him know he's lost points for not doing his homework.

Always Aware

Alexander will now be notified by his Behave Buddy on his device that he's lost points for not doing his homework.

Clear Picture

Since this is the 3rd time this week Alexander is having trouble with his homework his behavior meter has dropped.


This is what Alexander see's on his device.


Behave is smart enough to always know what behaviors Alexander should work on improving. We call these Behave Trends.


Alexander just has to tap on the Behave Buddy icon to find out what's causing his behavior meter to be low.

Behavior Trends

Alexander can now clearly identify which behavior has caused his behavior meter to drop.


Our studies have shown that kids find it very helpful to see their behavior in a visual form.


Alexander is now presented tips to correct this behavior.


Behave Buddy will always notify Alexander when his behavior needs improvement and what he can do to improve.


Good Behavior = Rewards

Alexander earns behave points for exhibiting good behavior. He can choose from a selection of non-monetary rewards or you can create your own rewards that suit your families needs.


You'll be notified on your device that your child has redeemed a reward and can approve it when you're ready.


We feel its important that these rewards aren't material, such as toys or money. Some examples we've included for you are:


  • 1 on 1 time with mom or dad
  • Stay up 15 minutes past bedtime
  • Extra internet or video game time
  • Choose a family activity
  • No chores for a day & more



Coaching is Key.

Knowing which behaviors require attention and being given tips in real time is key to improving and maintaining your child's behavior. Your daily participation is needed to drive results.


Behave is always monitoring your child's behavior and will coach them to quickly get their behavior back on track.


Yes there are badges!

There are a ton of badges your kids can earn to encourage them to keep up their good behaviors.


Our study has shown that this works incredibly well.


Your child will continue to try to earn good behavior points to collect all the badges.

Daily Engagement

To keep your child motivated to open the app every day we've included a mini game.


Once per day your child can spin the wheel to earn bonus points.

Behavior Insights

behave keeps track of all the good and the bad so you can can see the complete picture.


Your kids will have access to these stats as well. It's good for them to be aware of what they need to work on.


We'll take it from there and notify your child why they lost points and even help coach them with tips on how to improve their behavior.

Praise. Praise. Praise.

Naturally we don't praise our kids enough. When your kids exhibit good behavior, let them know.


We'll notify your child for all the awesome things they do.


You can even award bonus points for reasons we haven't thought of.

You see what they see.

The behavior meter is a powerful tool in keeping your child aware of their behavior.


A great tactic we've seen parents use is that as long as this meter is yellow or green their child can go to or have that sleepover they've been asking about.


Bad behavior isn't rewarded. We follow this rule in behave as well. Kids cannot redeem rewards while their behavior is poor.

All devices are welcome.

Do you have a mix of iOS and Android devices in your home? Thats ok! behave works seamlessly across all devices.

Meet Alexander

Alexander has been forgetting to do his homework. He reminds his parents he needs to do his homework 15 minutes before bedtime. He didn't do his homework because he was distracted by a new video game on his device.


Let's see how we correct this behavior.

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